'Ok, I’m committing to this, even though I only have Trifecta for dinner, I’m not going to cheat the rest of the day. Otherwise, it doesn’t make the investment worth it if I’m only half doing it.'
Trifecta has made it a lot easier for me to eat healthy, both in quality of food and in the quantity of food. 1) It is very, very easy. It just shows up at my door and then I can reheat it. I think there’s also something about making a commitment and spending money on that type of thing that keeps you accountable to do it. It’s helped me go ‘Ok, I’m committing to this, even though I only have Trifecta for dinner, I’m not going to cheat the rest of the day. Otherwise, it doesn’t make the investment worth it if I’m only like half doing it.’ Otherwise, what’s the point?
80/20 Rule?
Everyone always says how much weight loss and health is a lot more involved with diet than with exercise. As somebody who genuinely enjoys exercise, it was pretty easy to ignore and be like ‘Oh, I’m healthy enough.’ I exercise all the time. And it kind of is eye-opening spending 2 months on the diet portion of it when I’ve been spending 25 years on the exercise portion and see such a significant difference. I was like ‘Oh everyone was right, haha, that’s kind of a bummer, but it’s cool to see that I was able to make that progress.’
I was surprised at how quickly I dropped 20 pounds. I was heavier than what I wanted to be but a lot of that was that muscle is very heavy. Just being able to do a lot of pull-ups, push-ups, and things that just felt so far out of my reach became possible. There was an aesthetic piece of it, where all 20 lbs came directly from my stomach. All of my clothes are feeling really differently, a lot of clothes that I used to wear all the time don’t fit anymore. Things happen gradually and it was interesting to see changes happen overnight.
The Next Big Diet
There are a lot of fad diets that are happening and can seem really trendy. I would say finding something simple that works for you that are not so extreme has been super useful for me. Something as simple as counting calories, and knowing someday I’m going over what I want to and that’s ok has made this feel like it’s something sustainable for me vs trying to do something super restrictive and never being allowed to mess up. I think some people think ‘Oh I have to be doing the hardest, trendiest diet for things to work’ and it can be a lot simpler than that.
I think Trifecta is so easy to use that it makes it easier to stick to what you are trying to do with your diet.