Took her time back

Leading a busy and active lifestyle filled with hunting, fishing, golfing, running, biking, and quality time with loved ones, Jessica faced a significant challenge before discovering Trifecta: meal planning and cooking. It was a real pain that sucked up her time and left her frustrated.

Prior to Trifecta, she often found herself feeling “hangry” due to skipped meals or ​​lacked motivation when it came to preparing healthy options. As a result, her performance at work and during workouts suffered. 

“I love eating and wanted to find a meal service that offered delicious varieties of food while also allowing me to fuel my body to perform my best in life, work and during my workouts”.

Seeking a solution that would provide delicious food varieties while fueling her body for peak performance, Jessica turned to Trifecta—and it exceeded her expectations.

“Since my first box I never miss a meal! I’m always full and I’m confident knowing each meal I grab from the fridge is good for me, properly proportioned and delicious.”

The convenience of easy-to-read labels makes logging and tracking meals a breeze, seamlessly integrating with her busy lifestyle.

“I no longer stress about my next meal and can focus on doing things I enjoy knowing I will be properly fueled for whatever comes next at home, work or on the go!”

She has discovered pro tips to enhance her Trifecta meals.

“When I’m under my calorie budget for the day or need an extra boost due to a hard workout, I simply add steamed veggies, chai seeds or a salad to my meals.”

With the ongoing support of Trifecta, she is confident in sustaining her progress and achieving even greater milestones.

“Currently I’m working to maintain current weight, build on habits and continue to develop a healthy relationship with food”.


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